Publication Date Detection of Xylella fastidiosa in Weeds and Sharpshooters in Orange Groves Affected with Citrus Variegated Chlorosis in Misiones, Argentina

O De Coll, A Remes Lenicov, J Agostini, S Paradell
2000 unpublished
Pecosita was first found in Valencia sweet orange groves around Montecarlo, Mis-iones in 1984. Pecosita has similar symptoms to citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) of Brazil, and it is positive for CVC by serological tests using antiserum UF-26 for Xylella fastidiosa. The objective of this work was to detect the potential sharpshooter vectors of X. fastidiosa and weed hosts of the bacterium in sweet orange groves with CVC symptoms using dot immunobinding assays (DIBA). The weed and sharpshooter
more » ... rveys were carried out in two sweet orange groves four times: Feb-ruary, July, October, and November 1995. The insects were caught from citrus trees and natural vegetation using yellow sticky traps and nets, respectively. The following adult life stage sharp-shooters were positive for X. fastidiosa : Bucephalogonia xanthophis ; Scopogonalia subolivacea; Hortensia similis ; Rotigonalia limbatula ; Sonesimia grossa; Chlorotettix latocintus; and Curtara samera from the Cicadellidae family and two species of the Membracidae family: Ceresa ustulata; and Entylia carinata. Furthermore, S. grossa was positive in the nymph stage. At least once during the year the following weeds were positive for X.