Management of Acute Non-puerperal Complete Uterine Inversion

BS Girija, TR Sudha
2014 Journal of Case Reports  
Non-puerperal uterine inversion is a rare clinical problem, which usually results from a tumor on the fundus of the uterus. A rare case of acute non puerperal complete inversion of uterus with leiomyomata and carcinoma of cervix (incidental diagnosis) in a 50 year old woman is reported here. She presented with sudden onset of pain abdomen, mass per vaginum on lifting heavy weight and profuse vaginal bleeding. This case is reported for the safe surgical management of acute non-puerperal complete
more » ... inversion of huge necrotic uterus by combined abdomino-perineal approach. Patient recovered within 24 hours after surgery without any evidence of pelvic peritonitis.
doi:10.17659/01.2014.0004 fatcat:tuf7je6vjvf7pifkfqibbgw6va