The problems faced by primary school teachers in educational environment

2015 International Conference on Advances in Economics, Social Science and Human Behaviour Study - ESSHBS 2015   unpublished
Education is a phenomena bringing many elements such as school, administrator, teacher, student and tutor together. School is the environment in which training mostly occurs. Educational environments' being clean, organized and suitable to the students' psychology and physiology is important in terms of teaching process. It is stated that both teachers and students meet many problems in training-education environment. Knowing the reasons of problems is important in terms of increasing the
more » ... y of education. In this research, it has been tried to identify the problems which class teachers live in training-education environment. The aim of the research is to identify the problems which class teachers live, to decrease them, and to find solutions for them. It is essential to determine the problems lived in the academic environments and provide solutions for the execution of more effective and efficient training-educational process. problems and effect on the performance according to the arithmetic mean of views of class teachers. According to the result of some research, "tutors' traying to put pressure on the teacher" is at the 14 th rank in terms of joining to social issues and their effects on the performance. It is at 15 th rank are analyzed, it has been stated that class teachers meet with many problems during teaching process.
doi:10.15224/978-1-63248-041-5-74 fatcat:cb3abvsmgferzm7hpyafquxawq