Large area 0-3 and 1-3 piezoelectric composites based on single crystal PMN-PT for transducer applications

Mai Pham Thi, Anne-Christine Hladky-Hennion, Hung Le Khanh, Louis-Pascal Tran-Huu-Hue, Marc Lethiecq, Franck Levassort
2010 Physics Procedia  
0-3 and 1-3 composites have been fabricated using piezoelectric single crystals (PSCs). These two connectivities were specifically chosen for large area fabrication. In particular, a lamination technique was used for 1-3 piezocomposites instead of the standard dice and fill method. For 0-3 connectivity, the thickness coupling factor of fabricated materials using PSC phase is twice the value obtained using standard PZT powder for the same volume fraction (60%). But the efficiency of the poling
more » ... ays low. For the 1-3 piezocomposites, the properties (such as the thickness coupling factor) of the samples fabricated by the lamination technique are comparable to those obtained with standard methods. Finally, three ultrasonic transducers with center frequency between 600 and 850 kHz were fabricated to evaluate the performance of these new piezoelectric composites.
doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2010.01.115 fatcat:hla72ujourallkg2v6eqizcntu