Standardization of the Safety Level of the Use of DMSO in Viability Assays in Bacterial Cells

Sávio Ferreira, Raquel Brito, Gildoberg Silva, Ticiane Farias, Paula Ferreira
2017 Proceedings of MOL2NET 2017, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 3rd edition   unpublished
The antibacterial potential of the most diverse medicinal plants has benefited humanity for centuries, and precisely because of this, the number of studies investigating the antimicrobial activity of essential oils and their components is increasing. However, the hydrophobic character of the essential oils has made the experiments difficult, requiring the use of organic solvents in the tests in order to avoid such complications. Among the most commonly used solvents are dimethylsulfoxide
more » ... 2H6OS). To date, the literature has not yet determined a standardization of the usual concentration of DMSO suitable for bacterial experiments, so that its use does not check the efficacy of the tested phytoconstituent by interactions between the solvent and the exploited compound. In view of this reality, the present study intends to standardize the DMSO concentrations that do not interfere in the viability of the bacterial strains of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC
doi:10.3390/mol2net-03-04980 fatcat:n32pi46qpjbf3jvs7qbpjw3elq