Logarithmic Running of 't Hooft-Polyakov Monopole to Dark Energy

M. S. El Naschie
2014 International Journal of High Energy Physics  
The paper presents a particle physicists' interpretation of the mathematical abstract concept of a five dimensional empty set as the source of dark energy and dark matter. It turns out that the simplest alternative physical interpretation at least from the view point of the GUT unification of fundamental interaction is the theoretically well established but experimentally never found yet 't Hooft-Polyakov magnetic giant monopole with the predicted huge mass of ten to the power of 16 Gev. In
more » ... it will be shown here using exact renormalization equations that running the preceding energy logarithmically leads to a prediction of the ordinary and the total dark energy density of the cosmos in complete agreement with our earlier result E(O) = mc 2 /22 and E(D) = mc 2 (21/22) based on the afore mentioned set theoretical concepts as well as with all the relatively recent cosmological measurements. The decisive steps in the present derivation consists of two realizations. First and to our deepest surprise and delight, E =γmc 2 = mc 2 is actually a unification formula uniting classical, relativistic and quantum mechanics where γ= 1 corresponds to a 100% energy density. Second and also not expectedly, the logarithmic running of 't Hooft-Polyakov's monopole energy leads to a reduction factor γ= 1/λwhere λ = 22.18033989, in full agreement with our previous results using entirely different approaches. Finally the results are validated using 't Hooft's dimensional regularization D = 4 − by setting ∈ = 2 where is Hardy's quantum entanglement and φ=2/ √5 1.
doi:10.11648/j.ijhep.20140101.11 fatcat:xkp5qpkbnbfyrpk25n7bjww4tm