Xunzi and trust in moral testimony

Yang Liu
T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f U t a h G r a d u a t e S c h o o l STATEMENT OF THESIS APPROVAL The thesis of Yang Liu has been approved by the following supervisory committee members: Eric Hutton , Chair ABSTRACT Relying on moral testimony has been widely considered to be problematic in a way that relying on testimony about nonmoral matters is not. One explanation for this difference is the problem associated with identifying trustworthy sources of moral testimony. Moral knowledge involves
more » ... edge of appropriate ends; as such, those who do not have moral expertise have no way of checking on the results of the testimony of purported moral experts in order to verify their expertise. As a result of this problem, the "credentials problem," those who would benefit most from moral testimony (i.e., nonexperts) have no way of identifying reliable testifiers.
doi:10.26053/0h-dab6-2v00 fatcat:ze23xczy65envmeddsiayugccq