Comparing the Flammability of Fabrics in Accordance with EN 531 and ENV 50354

Helena Mäkinen, Suvi Sanna Mustonen
2004 International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics  
The purpose of protective clothing and other personal protective equipment (PPE) is to provide escape time, to reduce the burn injury level, and to prevent aggravation of the consequences to workers during exposure to an electric arc. In this study the flammability properties of 12 different types of flame-retardant fabrics were compared with the normally used flame spread test method (EN 532:1994) and electric arc test method (ENV 50354:2001). In the arc test at the lower testing current level
more » ... of 4 kA, the requirement was passed by materials which did not pass the flame spread test. These materials contained a large amount of melting fibres, and therefore tended to shrink or melt. In order to meet the current level of 7 kA, a rather thick and heavy flame-retardant fabric is needed to pass the requirement. Lighter fabrics tended to break open in the tests. The flame retardancy of the under layer fabric is therefore important to ensure the needed protection. electric arc protective clothing testing of flammability
doi:10.1080/10803548.2004.11076608 pmid:15377405 fatcat:lrdifp6mhzh75jfg7qtxicxyuu