Motion camouflage in three dimensions

P. V. Reddy, E. W. Justh, P. S. Krishnaprasad
2006 Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control  
We formulate and analyze a three-dimensional model of motion camouflage, a stealth strategy observed in nature. The pursuer and evader trajectories are described using natural Frenet frames (or relatively parallel adapted frames), and the corresponding natural curvatures serve as controls. A high-gain feedback control law is derived. The biological plausibility of the feedback law is discussed, as is its connection to missile guidance. Simulations illustrating motion camouflage are also
more » ... d. This paper builds on recent work on motion camouflage in the planar setting.
doi:10.1109/cdc.2006.377777 dblp:conf/cdc/ReddyJK06 fatcat:tfny36g36rhgvgcmb23clwjjq4