Wind Force Coefficients Computation of Gantry Crane by Wind Tunnel Experiment and Structural Analysis of the Crane
풍동실험에 의한 갠트리 크레인의 풍력계수 산출과 구조 해석

Jae-Hwan Lee, Tae-Wan Kim, In-Geun Jang, Soon-Hung Han
2011 Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea  
In this paper, wind force coefficient by wind tunnel experiment is obtained to compute the accurate wind force of the gantry crane model to be used for mobile harbor ship. The first crane model was tested under 20, 30, 40, 52m/s, partially 58m/s and the wind force coefficient is about 2.0 which is very close to the suggested theoretical value. The other is the more reliable crane model and tested under 20, 30, 40m/s also giving the similar realistic wind force coefficient. Also structural
more » ... is of crane model was performed giving the reliable stress level. Since the rolling effect is important for mobile harbor ship, the safety of the crane on the ship needs to be guaranteed. For this, using the computed reaction forces, a tie-down design is suggested which connects the crane and ship to resist the turnover motion of the crane.
doi:10.3744/snak.2011.48.2.165 fatcat:kwwkquu47zcuda6crqsqr4scom