Book Review: State Defense Management: A Modern Approach to Becoming a Great Nation (Manajemen Bela Negara : Pendekatan Modern Menjadi Bangsa Yang Besar) [post]

Muhammad Ferdinan, Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin
2021 unpublished
AB Susanto, a writer, wrote a book entitled Management of State Defense: A Modern Approach to Becoming a Great Nation (Manajemen Bela Negara: Pendekatan Modern Menjadi Bangsa yang Besar). Writing this book aims to facilitate understanding for all levels of society regarding state defense management in a broader perspective. The management of state defense more broadly includes the meaning, causes, elements, history, and challenges in defending the state; the condition of the Indonesian nation;
more » ... ain character and role mismatch; what it takes to become a great nation; the existence of economic growth; foreign policy and diplomacy capabilities; multicultural society as an asset; and disaster management as part of defending the nation. The book "Management of State Defense: A Modern Approach to Becoming a Great Nation" is intended by the author for all levels of society, from students, teachers, athletes, technicians, doctors, businessmen, and government officials. The target of the wider community is due to the various capacities and roles of the community. Thus, the community can manage this diversity by implementing the right state defense strategy. This book describes the problem of state defense management from a broader and deeper perspective. The state defense management presented includes the concept of defending the state (to equalize perceptions), the actors who play a role in protecting the state (not only in the form of the Military and Police), and the impacts caused in defending the state. Of course, the information is presented with light language and actual illustrations.
doi:10.31235/ fatcat:yozqqmi5t5eyjpj5d3xmgkbonm