Professional and psychological qualities of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine special agents engaged into confidential cooperation

Vadym Polovnikov, Olha Kireieva, Oleksandr Zaitsev, Pavlo Volynets, Viktor Polyuk
2021 Laplage em Revista  
The purpose of the proposed research is an attempt to determine which basic professional and psychological qualities of SBGSU special agents are the most important for the formation of a professional officer's profile of a special agent, who performs tasks of operative and investigative activities and works with confidants based on the generalization of the survey results of three groups of respondents. The sample was made by 94 of respondents. There are 81 special agents of SBGSU operative
more » ... s, among them are 69 operations officers and 12 heads of departments (sectors, groups) and 13 instructors of the National Academy of the SBGSU who train special agents for SBGSU. The results of the survey using the original questionnaire made it possible to determine the list of professional and psychological most important qualities of an SBGSU special agent. According to the results of the study, we suppose it is necessary to focus attention and concentrate on the following qualities of SBGSU special agents: during the training period –at observational and cognitive qualities.
doi:10.24115/s2446-6220202173b1595p.527-538 fatcat:6vywul2dsvad7e6ylvipi5bli4