Development of the instructional model of reading English strategies for enhancing sophomore students learning achievements in the institute of physical education in the Northeastern region of Thailand

Whankhom Prawit, Phusawisot Pilanut, Sayankena Patcharanon
2016 Educational Research and Reviews  
The aim of this research is to develop and verify the effectiveness of an instructional model of reading English strategies for students of Mahasarakham Institute of Physical Education in the Northeastern region through survey. Classroom action research techniques with the two groups of sample sizes of 34 sophomore physical students as a controlling and 32 sophomore sport science students as an experimental were administered. The study used the 4-research instruments which were composed of the
more » ... uestionnaires on implementation of reading strategy, semi-structured interviews, reading comprehension achievement, and the 5-lesson plans. Statistically significant with the descriptive data were analyzed. According to the results of current implementation of reading strategies, average score of total reading strategy used was moderate practice. Sample group employed slightly more indirect strategy to direct strategy, among six categories of reading strategies, the most to the least current implementation of reading strategies were compensation strategies, social strategies, affective strategies, memory strategies, cognitive strategies and meta-cognitive strategies, respectively. The developing instructional model comprised of informs, model and practice. Transfer of concluding step to sum up the results and problems for practicing implementation of reading strategy, evaluate, reflect, giving feedback, and reinforcement of the implementation of reading strategy were found effective.
doi:10.5897/err2015.2547 fatcat:7octzlo56jegrez2zvcxeea4x4