The influence of canola oil biodiesel on performance, combustion characteristics and exhaust emissions of a small diesel engine

Mehmet Şen
2019 Sakarya University Journal of Science  
Pages: 121-128 How to cite Mehmet Şen; (2019), The influence of canola oil biodiesel on performance, combustion characteristics and exhaust emissions of a small diesel engine . ABSTRACT In this work, the influence of canola oil biodiesel addition to eurodiesel was evaluated on combustion, performance characteristics and exhaust emissions of a single cylinder diesel engine. In the experiments, fuel mixtures obtained by adding 10%, 20% and 50% canola oil biodiesel (named COB10, COB20 and COB50
more » ... pectively) to eurodiesel fuel (COB0) were used. The test engine was loaded at full load with electrical dynamometer and data was recorded between 1500 rpm and 3000 rpm at 500 rpm intervals. The result show that addition of biodiesel to eurodiesel reduced cylinder pressure, engine torque and BTE while increased BSFC. Ignition delay decreased slightly with the addition of biodiesel. NOx emission and smoke density were decreased as the biodiesel content increase in the fuel blends.
doi:10.16984/saufenbilder.472112 fatcat:ztcmkraghngubep2fhvyhipn7e