Failure-Aware, Open-Loop, Adaptive Video Streaming With Packet-Level Optimized Redundancy

Yiannis Andreopoulos, Ram Keralapura, Mihaela van der Schaar, Chen-Nee Chuah
2006 IEEE transactions on multimedia  
A plethora of coding and streaming mechanisms have been proposed for real-time multimedia transmission over the Internet. However, most proposed mechanisms rely only on global (e.g. based on end-to-end measurements), delayed (at least by the round-trip-time), or statistical (often based on simplistic network models) information available about the network state. Based on recently-proposed state-of-the-art open-loop video coding schemes, we propose a new integrated streaming and routing
more » ... for robust and efficient video transmission over networks exhibiting path failures. Our approach explicitly takes into account the network dynamics, path diversity, and the modeled video distortion at the receiver side to optimize the packet redundancy and scheduling. In the derived framework, multimedia streams can be adapted dynamically at the video server based on instantaneous routing-layer information or failure-modeling statistics. The performance of our integrated application and network-layer method is simulated against equivalent approaches that are not optimized based on routing-layer feedback and distortion modeling, and the obtained gains in video quality are quantified.
doi:10.1109/tmm.2006.884607 fatcat:w5g4jhrlzfdnngfndr2lbnx4py