Big Data Impact Analysis of Smart Grid based on AHP method

Jianjun Wang, Cunbin Li, Sisi Zhang
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 6th International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering   unpublished
With the rapid development of smart grid, the using of smart appliances, the new information system and the application of digital work gradually get into the smart grid companies. It provides a digital basis for the big data technology to enhance smart grid's service capabilities, which is the inevitable trend of the development of the smart grid. In this paper, a scientific, systematic and objective evaluation on the smart grid's impact of the big data technology is created with a total of
more » ... rteen indicators from three aspects: technology, smart grid status monitoring and simulation, the weights of the indexes are given by using the AHP. From the results analysis, the relevant suggestions are given in the three aspects of the integrating intelligent electronic components, enhancing the big data load forecasting and real-time data monitoring capabilities.
doi:10.2991/icmse-15.2015.267 fatcat:ksz4tvzcdjchhjft4vlw3l6xmi