TEMA KELANGSUNGAN HIDUP DALAM CERITA PENDEK THE SHAWL KARYA CYNTHIA OZICK JURNAL SKRIPSI Diajukan sebagai salah satu syarat untuk mencapai gelar Sarjana Sastra Oleh

Gian Kembuan
2013 unpublished
This research entitled "Tema Kelangsungan Hidup Dalam Cerita Pendek The Shawl Karya Cyntihia Ozick" is written to fulfill the requirement of finish S1 degree in English The Objective of this research based on the problems, the writer simply aims at identify, analyze and describe the survival theme in short story "The Shawl". In analyzing the data the writer uses descriptive Intrinsic and Extrinsic Approach to analyze each of its elements based on some theories such as : Abrams M. H. (1976). The
more » ... Miror and the Lamp, Stanton R. (1965). An Introduction to Fiction, also from several literature experts. The results of this research, showing that human need much to learn and deeply understanding about "Survival" in reality, for there are many connections between this matter and the daily life which is proven in some basic human activities such as primary needs of food, clothes, shelters, and rights that will never being apart from this standard game of life called "Survival" _________________