Recent Progress in Anatomy

1890 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
ments necessary for the cure of a majority of cases, namely, elevation. Moreover, while the air of California is pure and comparatively dry, it does not coinpare in dryness with that of Colorado ; for the reason that California is on the coast while Colorado is one thousand miles from any body of water, and between us and the ocean is a mountain range which condenses the moisture and holds it all on the other side, while on the east, north and south are the hot arid lands of Kansas, Nebraska
more » ... Indian Territory. Thus the moisture shut out on the west, and sucked up by hundreds of miles of parched plains on the east, leaves the air of Colorado so dry that one's mucous surfaces become parched and cracked until they become accustomed to the dryness. Moreover, there is, in these , elevated regions, a tonic, something in the air, which though indescribable, has a most marked effect upon all who come here. Call it super-electrification or what you will, it is here, and under its influence the digestive fuuctions are stimulated to their utmost, the appetite improves and becomes vigorous, the nervous system takes on new life, there is an exhilaration of the whole 1
doi:10.1056/nejm189010231231705 fatcat:zmjwzvky7rcejf35ip5ibz7zdq