Teat papillomatosis in dairy herds: first detection of bovine papillomavirus type 10 in China

Wei ZHU, Dongfang YUAN, Junzo NORIMINE, Nanan GAO, Shushan FAN, Yan DU, Fang LI, Mingcai YANG, Shilin HU, Jianbao DONG
2019 Journal of Veterinary Medical Science  
Teat papillomatosis is one important infectious disease affecting cattle health and results in significant economic losses especially in the dairy industry. Although there is a large number of commercial cattle herds in China, limited information is available for molecular epidemiological investigation of bovine papillomaviruses (BPVs). In October 2017, an outbreak of teat papillomatosis occurred in the Shandong Province of China. Samples were collected and diagnosed with PCR, and 3 full-length
more » ... viral genomes were amplified from tissue samples collected from 3 outbreak farms. Analysis results revealed that the outbreak was associated with BPV type 10. This is the first report of BPV-10 infection in China and will contribute to the molecular epidemiological study of the disease.
doi:10.1292/jvms.18-0449 fatcat:v34tr2ondzerteglhswxxnotuy