Protective applications of vacuum-deposited perfluoropolymer films

K. P. Grytsenko
2016 Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics  
The paper summarizes in brief applications of perfluoropolymer thin films deposited from the gas phase by several different methods, for protection of various materials and devices both at the research stage and already in industry. Perfluoropolymer films protect from corrosion coated metals, attain superhydrophobic properties to various surfaces, enhance the lifetime of medical implants, passivating the surface of semiconductors, protect functional layers in organic light emitting diodes,
more » ... effect transistors etc. Organic molecules in the PTFE matrix revealed extreme stability and presents the new material for optical applications. PFP films were deposited on NiTi alloy surface by using the radio frequency (RF) 13.56 MHz MSp and a PTFE target [1] . The deposition parameters of PFP films including the RF power, operation gas pressure and Ar flow rate were studied. The Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) revealed that it was feasible to prepare PFP films on NiTi alloy substrate by RF-MSp of PTFE. The FTIR and XPS results showed the presence of C
doi:10.15407/spqeo19.02.139 fatcat:jwnl3rzvanaxhiziqjrzdi4ffi