Hematological Changes During Pregnancy and Postpartum Period in Cynomolgus Monkeys (Macaca fascicularis)
カニクイザル (Macaca fascicularis) の妊娠中および分娩後における血液性状

1974 Experimental animals  
In 14 pregnant cynomolgus monkeys, red blood cell count, hematocrit value, hemoglobin content, white blood cell count and serum total protein content were determined during the period from the time of mating to the 8th postpartum week, and in other 12 pregnant and 9 nonpregnant females of the same species, erythrocyte sedimention rate, serum specific gravity, serum transaminase activity and serum total cholesterol level were measured during the same period as that of the former group. Slight
more » ... mia and sharp elevation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate were observed in the last 4 weeks of gestation period. The decrease of white blood cell count, serum total protein content, serum specific gravity and serum total cholesterol level became noticeable after the first half period of gestation until parturition. No remarkable change of the value of serum transaminase activity was observed throughout the gestation period. These changes of blood properties observed in the pregnant monkeys disappeared within 8 weeks after delivery. These monkey showed no clinical disorder throughout the experimental period, and all of them delivered apparently healthy baby monkeys. Therefore, the hematological changes observed can be regarded as the physiological phenomena associating with the course of normal pregnancy.
doi:10.1538/expanim1957.23.3_137 fatcat:nnhex4nzvvgfvp4tc4u6tfvjtu