The Nanaimo Free Press [Thursday, August 12, 1909] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
TOI^Ml^jJCXv)^:;S.i i NANAIMO. BRITISir CQLtTMBIA. THURSDAY AUGUST 12, lfw>9. m .s..ass .'ill TMAW^S sm IS DISMISSED REGUUe MEETING «F HOSPITAL HOAHO DEniiKaittin strikers ARMED fe WITH REVAIVBIS THE HOSPITAL LAST NIGHT WHITE I'LAINS, Aug. 12.-Jn»-In which his fndnl appearance was ' ^ Mills handed down a decision ^Ud and staring." i*^o New Lots ^ Puwhi^ and Mrs. Jennie Schu, Daughter ol Mrs. derlarino-that Harrv' Continulni' his history ol Thaw'sr^l * -John D. Thomas, HaUburwhom ^ Board was
more » ... In the board Tho death He dismissed i und» which young woman. Miss Nesbit, re-. ^,5T hVeat^Dit* Situation Devek^ in The Port William iWght Bandtors'Strike.' r " ]kaw endeavored to secure bU re-coom at the hospital evening. ihe"Nanaimo hospital ol Mrs.
doi:10.25316/ir-12250 fatcat:47idkwsfwrcsjkpf3yj5ee7jni