Dynamic Model Identification of the Main Steam Temperature for Supercritical Once-through Boiler

Hong-bo Lu, Yu Zhang, Chang-kai Wu, Wei-hua Sun
2012 Energy Procedia  
In this paper the dynamic model of single-input and single-output (SISO) is established, which take the coal feed as the input and the main steam temperature as the output. Recursive extended least squares (RELS) was used to identify the system model, and the ideal identification results were achieved. The results showed that the output of identification and actual output in good agreement by usage of the recorded data to verify the accuracy of model further. 1.Introduction Thermal power
more » ... ion is a power cycle. The state of refrigerants not only change with the working and environmental conditions, but also change over time; some processes are linear, but any are non-linear. The system model of thermal power plant has been the focus of attention by scholars. Currently, there are two main research directions. On the one hand, it focuses on a simplified model of experimental data analysis, or known as the test model; on the other hand, it is focuses on the mechanism of the modular model, also known as mechanism modeling [1-3]. The analysis of mechanism is a common research method to dynamics of the steam-water system, and the algorithm is simple maturity. However, mechanism modeling has limitations [4] . Because of there are complex nonlinear relationships among the parameters of superheated steam, and we have to establish some reasonable assumptions. Although the test model is reliable, it takes a lot of manpower, material and testing time, and even affects the safety of operating units. The current method is the information mining for the recorded data of power plant, and then using the new modeling method to study thermal processes [5, 6] .In this paper ,modeling the dynamic Available online at www.sciencedirect.com
doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2012.02.301 fatcat:euvqmd5m45ggjaljom64ta7rsm