Collins fragmentation function from gluon rescattering

Alessandro Bacchetta, Andreas Metz, Jian-Jun Yang
2003 Physics Letters B  
We estimate the Collins fragmentation function by introducing the effect of gluon rescattering in a model calculation of the fragmentation process. We include all necessary diagrams to the one-loop level and compute the nontrivial phases giving rise to the Collins function. We compare our results to the ones obtained from pion rescattering. We conclude that three out of four one-loop diagrams give sizeable contributions to the Collins function, and that the effect of gluon rescattering has a
more » ... nitude comparable to that of pion rescattering, but has opposite sign.
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2003.09.005 fatcat:a3n5o4p3fjeidapdd56ienanfa