Closed loop control of an improved dual switch converter with passive lossless clamping for high step-up voltage gain

C. G. Sonima Gabrial, T. V. Roshima
2016 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT)  
The conventional dc-dc boost converters are unable to provide high step up voltage gain. The transformer less dc-dc converters are used to achieve high step up voltage gain without an extremely large duty ratio. The improved dual switch converter can achieve high voltage gain with a condition that the parameters are inconsistent. It has advantages of low voltage and current stress on the switches compared to the transformer less dc-dc converters. The proposed converter also provides the
more » ... to balance the voltage on the switches and to suppress the resonance. This is possible due to the presence of passive lossless clamping. With the passive lossless clamping circuits, low voltage switches with small Rds (on) can be utilized, and hence the efficiency of the converter can be increased. The simulation of the circuit with 30 V input, 100V/1A output is done using MATLAB.
doi:10.1109/iceeot.2016.7755582 fatcat:2v6l6igkd5buhen6i23wbu7uem