General Internal Medicine Subspecialty Training Update

Sharon E. Card MD MSc
2016 Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine  
The vast majority of general internal medicine (GIM) programs in Canada have become distinct entities that provide training in additional competencies and leadership above and beyond those required for the specialty of internal medicine. In December 2010, after many years of effort, GIM finally achieved recognition as a distinct subspecialty by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. A GIM Working Group has finalized the objectives and requirements for a 2-year subspecialty
more » ... ing program in GIM that will follow after the existing 3-year core internal medicine training program. These documents have now been approved by the Royal College.
doi:10.22374/cjgim.v7i4.122 fatcat:34yo2xzwfjaqpnvbg5nti32z3e