Radiation simulations for a pre-separator area for rare isotope production via projectile fragmentation

I. Baek, R. M. Ronningen, Marc Hausmann, D. Lawton, A. F. Zeller, Georg Bollen
2007 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC)  
East Lansing, MI 48824, U. S.A. Abstract To support pre-conceptual research and development for rare isotope beam production via projectile fragmentation at the Rare-Isotope Accelerator facility or similar next-generation exotic beam facilities, the interactions between primary beams and beryllium and liquid-lithium production targets in the fragment preseparator area were simulated using the Monte-Carlo radiation transport code PHITS. The purpose of this simulation is to determine the
more » ... of the radiation fields in the pre-separator area so that levels of hadron flux and energy deposition can be obtained. It was of particular interest to estimate the maximum radiation doses to magnet coils and other components such as the electromagnetic pump for a liquid-lithium loop, and to estimate component lifetimes.
doi:10.1109/pac.2007.4440890 fatcat:lwiq4jgwnfhkbmsvewj42czbgq