Modelling the activated sludge flocculation process combining laser light diffraction particle sizing and population balance modelling (PBM)

I. Nopens, C.A. Biggs, B. De Clercq, R. Govoreanu, B.-M. Wilén, P. Lant, P.A. Vanrolleghem
2002 Water Science and Technology  
A technique based on laser light diffraction is shown to be successful in collecting on-line experimental data. Time series of floc size distributions (FSD) under different shear rates (G) and calcium additions were collected. The steady state mass mean diameter decreased with increasing shear rate G and increased when calcium additions exceeded 8 mg/l. A so-called Population Balance Model (PBM) was used to describe the experimental data. This kind of model describes both aggregation and
more » ... e through birth and death terms. A discretised PBM was used since analytical solutions of the integro-partial differential equations are non-existing. Despite the complexity of the model, only 2 parameters need to be estimated: the aggregation rate and the breakage rate. The model seems, however, to lack flexibility. Also, the description of the floc size distribution (FSD) in time is not accurate.
doi:10.2166/wst.2002.0092 pmid:11989877 fatcat:4gycxifkuncevpnw6hmp2oqqv4