Dynamics of a two sex population with gestation period

Giorgio Busoni, Andrzej Palczewski
2000 Applicationes Mathematicae  
We investigate a mathematical model of population dynamics for a population of two sexes (male and female) in which new individuals are conceived in a process of mating between individuals of opposed sexes and their appearance is postponed by a period of gestation. The model is a system of two partial differential equations with delay which are additionally coupled by mathematically complicated boundary conditions. We show that this model has a global solution. We also analyze stationary
more » ... nent") solutions and show that such solutions exist if the model parameters satisfy two nonlinear relations. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 92A15, 35R10, 34K10.
doi:10.4064/am-27-1-21-34 fatcat:6ozrwxhjxzhh7fxyrhohj4iw6e