Comparing strings inAdS5×S5to planar diagrams: An example

V. Pestun, K. Zarembo
2003 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
The correlator of a Wilson loop with a local operator in N=4 SYM theory can be represented by a string amplitude in AdS(5)xS(5). This amplitude describes an overlap of the boundary state, which is associated with the loop, with the string mode, which is dual to the local operator. For chiral primary operators with a large R charge, the amplitude can be calculated by semiclassical techniques. We compare the semiclassical string amplitude to the SYM perturbation theory and find an exact agrement to the first two non-vanishing orders.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.67.086007 fatcat:hho6m5z64rfsxm2tdca5cp2lly