Optimum time‐to‐depth conversion

S. Keydar, Z. Koren, D. Kosloff, E. Landa
1989 Geophysics  
Time-to-depth conversion is usually accomplished by converting zero-offset traveltimes, interpreted from a stacked section, to depth using a known velocity field. Time-to-depth conversion is formulated as an iterative procedure producing a depth model which minimizes the differences between zero-offset picked traveltimes and times derived by normal-incidence ray tracing through the model. The input data consist of traveltimes picked from unmigrated stacked sections, as well as assumed interval
more » ... elocities in each layer. The method can be applied to models with discontinuities such as pinchouts and faults. To illustrate the method, synthetic and field data examples are included.
doi:10.1190/1.1442724 fatcat:5mevrotze5agtcbfwxdd2jbzmm