Natural Law and Intrinsic Good and Evil: Analysis and Comparison of Constituents and Level of Efficacy

Mohammad Hossein Ansari Cheshmaeh, Rahim Dehghan, Ebrahim Nouee
2021 Āyinah-i ma̒rifat  
70 AYENEH MA'REFAT, No.68/ Autumn 2021 ___________________________________________________________ of the theory of intrinsic good and evil. Relying on intrinsic goodness, the theory of intrinsic good and evil, seeks moral truths among facts outside human existence, such as the essence of action based on rational arguments, while the theory of natural law lays the foundation of moral laws in natural capacities of human existence. Adopting an analytical-descriptive method, the present paper
more » ... to explain the differences between these two theories.
doi:10.52547/jipt.2021.221361.1058 fatcat:uwc7u3xyt5hw7fnaz7sqrkruqq