2016 HUMANITAS - Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi  
Recently, rapid increase in population across the world has caused an unplanned spread of settlements. This has led to many problems in natural environment. Appropriate site selection works which consider natural environment elements need to be done for settlements in order to solve these problems. This study aims to make habitability analysis for Altınova district, which is one of the important districts of Suleymanpasa city affiliated to Tekirdag municipality in terms of natural environment
more » ... ements. Based on the analysis results, habitability classes were determined, and habitability map was prepared for Altınova district. This study is significant because it may set an example for appropriate site selection works to be done for Tekirdag, which has recently gained the metropolitan status, and may contribute to urban transformation works. Various thematic maps of different scales were used in this study which employed GIS (Geographical Information Systems) techniques. The obtained findings show that 28.18 % of Altınova district consists of sites that have low habitability. These sites, which are mostly in the southern and western parts of the district, mostly involve sloping lands and areas close to the sea and the streambed. Sites with very high habitability cover 22.96% of the district and they are mostly in the northern part of the district. However, it should be remembered that some parts of these sites involve high risk in terms of liquefaction and micro zonation. In brief, works focusing attention on natural environment elements need to be done to plan settlements in a sustainable way.
doi:10.20304/husbd.33098 fatcat:zygasdbq6fhd3iyuvdsn77enzq