Developmental Sequences of L2 Grammar Acquisition in the Interlanguage of Croatian EFL Learners [chapter]

Mirjana Semren, Danijela Šegedin Borovina
2020 Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies  
The aim of this paper is to explore the developmental patterns in the acquisition of morphological phenomena in the interlanguage systems of Croatian primary school EFL learners. Developmental sequences in learner language morphology were observed longitudinally thus including learners across grades 6, 7, and 8. The data illustrate the use of morphemes (regular and irregular variants for the third person singular -s, the auxiliary verb BE, the present progressive ING) in obligatory contexts
more » ... wn 1973) . Interlanguage development was examined in accordance with the Input Processing theory of VanPatten (2004). Samples of spontaneous speech production were elicited via communicative activities. The study findings suggest that the progressive ING is processed earlier due to its higher communicative value when compared to -s.
doi:10.18485/bells90.2020.1.ch14 fatcat:qwmjfkuttnavrnjfviqjgvb5ti