Investigation of KLIM algorithm applied to face recognition

Yunfei Jiang, Rukun Hu, Ping Guo, Xin Zheng
2008 2008 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems  
Face recognition often suffers from the Small Sample Size problem. Regularization is one of the solutions to this problem. In this paper, we investigate the Kullback-Leibler information measure (KLIM) based regularization classifiers for face recognition. Two parameter estimation approaches including the cross-validation technique and model selection criterion are chosen to optimize the regularization parameter. In the experiments, the ORL face data is used to evaluate these algorithms. We
more » ... red the KLIM algorithms with quadratic discriminant analysis, linear discriminant analysis, regularized discriminant analysis, and leave-one-out covariance matrix estimate. Considering both time cost and classification rate, KLIM classifiers exceed the others and obtain stable results.
doi:10.1109/iccis.2008.4670929 fatcat:fqgll3aftbhd3gp3qmqrn2jbvu