The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
Mr. B. Hall Gets Check in Wrong Case of Identity The Texas S tudent Publica tions, Inc., received a check Tues day m orning endorsed to the cre dit of Mr. B. Hall. The check, for $1, was sent by an ex-student in K ansas in paym ent fo r a sub scription to The Daily Texan. A sim ilar incident was recalled in connection with an inquiry re ceived by the publications office some time ago. The Cactus, y ear book of the U niversity, had run several advertisem ents in The Daily Texan announcing the
more » ... lication of the book and the fa ct th at it was on sale. The publica tions office was the recipient of a le tte r asking w hether the Cac tus m entioned was a p lan t or seed. The reply is not on record, but it is assumed th at the difficulty was straightened out in a diplo matic m anner.
doi:10.26153/tsw/23790 fatcat:c6fs2zdp2rgqnfxguhepshpve4