Ivan Dimitrov, Ara Kaprelyan, Milena Gentcheva, Borislav Ivanov, Radoslav Georgiev, Tony Avramov, Yavor Entchev, Nadezhda Deleva
2015 Journal of IMAB  
Syphilis is not only a disease of historical importance. It has been recognized that nowadays, in the era of AIDS, it still remains a serious challenge. For the last two decades there has been a resumption of neurosyphilis cases. This has revived the interest in the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges that the disease presents to clinical practice and to healthcare systems. Material/Methods: We present the overall picture of newly registered cases of syphilis in Varna municipality between
more » ... and 2013, and report a case of neurosyphilis diagnosed at the first clinic of neurological diseases of St. Marina University Hospital during this period. Results: For the 5-year period, newly registered cases of syphilis in Varna have shown a tendency towards a decrease. Patients were typically in the early stages of the disease, primary and secondary. Late manifestations dropped
doi:10.5272/jimab.2015213.864 fatcat:btn3h6as2bfqfovl65feftik24