Assessment of Employee Health Program at Ministry of Health Hospitals in Saudi Arabia

Mervat M Eldalatonyc
2018 Ergonomics International Journal  
Due to lack of formal employee health services in ministry of health-Saudi Arabia and high exposure risk of health care workers. So it was a necessity to establish a comprehensive medical program to track occupational diseases, injuries and work place exposures. Methods: Assessment of employee health program in all MOH hospitals was carried out from January to march 2017 using survey prepared and circulated via email to staff responsible for employee clinics of all facilities at all health
more » ... ns and governorates of Saudi Arabia that joined Ministry Of Health-Saudi Arabia's employee health program since its implementation in 2012. Results : Highest percent of employee health clinics was established in hospitals with a bed capacity ≥400 beds. Eighty percent of the clinics are fully supervised by infection control department, 81.3 % have one or more full time staff working in it, 91% have employee medical records either in hard or soft forms and 77.6 % have available equipment and materials necessary for the clinic duties. Services' coverage provided by employee health clinics as coverage of N95 Fit -Test , Post exposure Prophylaxis Medications, Availability of Reporting system (100 & 90 & 70 percent respectively ) with improvement of services with increased bed capacity.
doi:10.23880/eoij-16000140 fatcat:5qxycolhavhofmxhs46tz3bdt4