Design and Implementation of Area Optimized Low Power Reversible Digital Multiplier

Deva Talluri, Venkateswara Reddy, Bala Krishna
2016 IJISET-International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology   unpublished
Heat generation is the major drawback in conventional or irreversible electronic circuits or systems.In 1961,Rolf landaeur proved this drawback.But in 1973,Benett given the solution for this drawback.Benett told that,there will be no or very less heat generation or energy dissipation,if the computation was reversible.So,the reversible logic is a solution for this drawback.Reversible logic can avoid the problem of heat generation, improves the system performance. This paper proposed an area
more » ... ized low power reversible digital multiplier. It was implemented in Xilinx-Spartan6 FPGA board and designed in SYMICA DE tool with final results.