The Effects of Abdominal Massage on the Management of Constipation: A Systematic Review of Randomised Controlled Trials

Emel Emine KAYIKÇI, Vildan KOCATEPE, Ferda AKYÜZ, Gülbeyaz CAN
2020 Bezmialem Science  
ÖZ This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of abdominal massage in the management of constipation. We conducted this systematic review by scanning Pubmed, CINAHL, EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect, Ovi, ProQuest, Web of Science and ULAKBIM National Databases without any time restriction. To search the literature, we used the following keywords: "constipation", "constipation management" and "abdominal massage". We included into the systematic review randomised controlled trials on constipation
more » ... ment whose full texts were available both in English and Turkish, while studies without the full text and/or ongoing studies were excluded. A total of 31 articles were found; however, only 9 of these studies met the inclusion criteria.
doi:10.14235/bas.galenos.2020.2832 fatcat:mkcwtebu2nffnoww6fyjku33zu