Absolute Generality and Singularization [chapter]

Salvatore Florio, Øystein Linnebo
2021 The Many and the One  
Is it possible to assert something of absolutely everything there is? While such absolute generality appears possible, it faces serious theoretical challenges. This chapter examines one such challenge, based on the possibility of one-to-one mappings from pluralities to objects. The challenge gives rise to a trilemma. First, generality relativists deny the possibility of absolute generality, at the cost of being unable to express various important insights. Second, traditional generality
more » ... sts deny the possibility of the mentioned mappings, but are pushed up a hierarchy of logics of higher and higher order, resulting in an expressibility deficit akin to that of the relativists. This motivates taking a closer look at the third option, which restricts traditional plural logic.
doi:10.1093/oso/9780198791522.003.0011 fatcat:vv7hiugjtrcrjpqplfvfc72llm