A Revision of the Subgenus Simandrena of the Genus Andrena of Eastern Asia with a Key to Palaearctic Species (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae)

Osamu Tadauchi, Huan-li Xu
1995 Esakia : occasional papers of the Hikosan Biological Laboratory in Entomology  
East Asian species of the subgenus Simandrena of the genus Andrena are revised and 10 species are recognized from China, Japan and Korea. Three new species, Andrena (Simandrena) tianshana, wuae and platydepressa are described from China. One new synonym, 1 new status and 2 new records are included. A key to species of the subgenus Simandrena in the Palaearctic region including 9 European and North African species is presented.
doi:10.5109/2591 fatcat:7xyoxcolxnhv5brs33okvw7u3q