Marching-on-in-Degree Time-Domain Integral Equation Solver for Transient Electromagnetic Analysis of Graphene

Quanquan Wang, Huazhong Liu, Yan Wang, Zhaoneng Jiang
2017 Coatings  
The marching-on-in-degree (MOD) time-domain integral equation (TDIE) solver for the transient electromagnetic scattering of the graphene is presented in this paper. Graphene's dispersive surface impedance is approximated using rational function expressions of complex conjugate pole-residue pairs with the vector fitting (VF) method. Enforcing the surface impedance boundary condition, TDIE is established and solved in the MOD scheme, where the temporal surface impedance is carefully convoluted
more » ... h the current. Unconditionally stable transient solution in time domain can be ensured. Wide frequency band information is obtained after the Fourier transform of the time domain solution. Numerical results validate the proposed method.
doi:10.3390/coatings7100170 fatcat:dgqmjxoqbng3zgeg3jj4wer6wu