Policy Design to Vitalize Spectrum Sharing Ecosystem : A System Dynamics Approach
인과지도에 기반한 주파수공유 생태계 활성화 정책 설계

Hee Seok Song, Jae Kyung Kim, Taehan Kim
2014 Journal of the Korea society of IT services  
Submitted:November Demand of spectrum resource is tremendously increasing recently and this trend will continues in the future due to the wide spread of IT services based on cloud computing and Internet of Things technology and as well as smart devices. Recently, spectrum sharing technology has drawn attention to the spectrum policy makers as a promising way to overcome the shortage problem of scarce spectrum resource. To succeed in commercialization of spectrum sharing technology, it is
more » ... ry to prospect the future business ecosystem of spectrum sharing and develop appropriate policies and laws at the same time along with the advance of spectrum sharing technology. The purpose of this paper is to analyze casual relationships between enablers in future business ecosystem of spectrum sharing and propose policies to vitalize spectrum sharing ecosystem based on a system dynamics causal map proposed in the previous research. With the causal map and system dynamics method, it is possible to analyze feedback loops exist in the business ecosystem of spectrum sharing and build policies which optimize positive dynamics in business ecosystem of spectrum sharing. As a result, policy leverages were found in four areas; spectrum supply, spectrum demand, spectrum quality and technology, and spectrum transaction cost. For those policy leverages, 13 policies were identified and intervention timing for each policy was discussed. Finally, the promotion policies of government and market participants to vitalize spectrum sharing ecosystem were discussed.
doi:10.9716/kits.2014.13.4.109 fatcat:c443afeauvenfpxzw4lwel5ehq