世界トップレベルチームのクイック攻撃技術に関する研究 : アメリカ選手と日本選手の比較 (研究資料)

吉田 康成, 西 博史, 佐藤 国正
The purpose of this study was to investigate the quick attacking techniques of elite male volleyball players in volleyball. 23 occurrences of quick attacking motions by 5 middle-blockers in the match of USA versus Japan from the 2015 Men's World Cup Volleyball were analyzed by the Direct Linear Transformation Method. The results were as follows: (1) The number of occurrences of quick attacking was 23 (A-quick 13 times, B-quick 7times, and C-quick 3 times). All quick attacks were set from setter
more » ... with jumping. (2) The average of the ball heights at the moment the spiker hit the ball were USA players 3.13m and Japanese players 3.02m. The average of the distance from net the net to the ball at the moment the spiker hit the ball was 0.99m for USA players and 0.92m for Japanese players. (3) There was no difference in the duration of the quick attacks (the time from when the setter released the ball to when the quick spiker hit the ball) and the duration of the quick attacks (the time from when the quick spiker took off to when the quick spiker hit the ball) between USA players and Japanese players.
doi:10.50937/00000350 fatcat:i2e6wrvztjhfzc4oadkq55rw6e