The first record record of the comatulid crinoid Sievertsella Radwańska, 2003 and its implications for the Miocene of the Bragança-Viseu Basin, Brazil

Cynthia Lara De Castro Manso, Wagner Souza-Lima
2017 Acta geologica Polonica  
The first record of a comatulid crinoid Sievertsella cf. polonica (Radwańska, 1987), from the Pirabas Formation (Miocene of NE Brazil) is documented. The record points out to a shallow coastal tropical or subtropical paleoecosystem with rocks or reefs in the Miocene from Bragança-Viseu Basin on Brazilian equatorial margin.
doi:10.1515/agp-2017-0019 fatcat:4e3uljnudvhqpoh7emuiwjpiwu