Techniques for Differentiating Motor and Sensory Fascicles of a Peripheral Nerve—A Review

Pawan Agarwal, Jitin Bajaj, Dhananjaya Sharma
2020 Indian Journal of Neurotrauma  
AbstractDifferentiating motor and sensory fascicles before anastomosis is essential for achieving an excellent postoperative functional outcome for peripheral mixed nerves injuries. However, identifying them is not easy. There are several techniques to address this important issue. Each identifying technique has its own pros and cons; this narrative review highlights the salient features of each of these. Many of the newer techniques need to be tested in humans before they can be recommended
more » ... regular use; till then we have to rely mainly on per operative electrical stimulation of nerve to differentiate between sensory and motor fascicles to improve postoperative functional outcome.
doi:10.1055/s-0040-1713458 fatcat:kbbdh2yuwvb5xfpabmvieigjh4