Study of efficacy of bala siddha taila pitchu on cervical ripening and effacement

Jadhav Archana, Ghorpade Manda
International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine   unpublished
As the infiuence of elderly primigravida increasing operative or invasivedeliveries are increasing.Garbhini paricharya plays important role in sukhaprasav.yonimardavata that is good cervical ripening and effacement as well as good vaginal laxity leads to normal labour process.madhur aushadhi siddha tail pitchu (tampoon) application is adviced by ashtanga sangraha3/ that 100 patient of trial group and 100 patient of controll group taken.In trial group daily application of bala siddha tail
more » ... tchu done from 36 weeks till delivery.Where as in control group there is no such pitchu (tampon) application. Due to this medicated tampon application at onset of labour bishop score was highly favorable and cervical dialatation rate was >1 cm/ hr that favours normal delivery in most of the this study for statistical analysis chi-square test and kruskal wallis test are applied and p value was<0.005 .thus pitchu increases muscle laxity of vagina brings changes in cervical collagen which favours cervical ripening and effacement cusing good progress of labor.