e-Business and Supply Chain Integration [chapter]

Hau L. Lee, Seungjin Whang
International Series in Operations Research & Management Science  
E-business-the use of Internet-based computing and communications to execute both front-end and back-end business processes -has emerged as a key enabler to drive supply chain integration. Businesses can use the Internet to gain global visibility across their extended network of trading partners and help them respond quickly to a range of variables, from customer demand to resource shortages. This paper examines the impact of e-business on supply chain integration on four critical dimensions:
more » ... formation integration, synchronized planning, coordinated workflow, and new business models. By adopting e-business approaches businesses can reap the benefits of supply chain integration -reduced costs, increased flexibility, faster response times -more rapidly and effectively.
doi:10.1007/0-387-27275-5_8 fatcat:xxft2qol4zhydkwhx22ewxxuym