Effect of Guided Inquiry Learning Model and Social Skills to the Improving of Students' Analysis Skills in Social Studies Learning

2020 Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists  
This research aim is to examine the application of guided inquiry learning models and social skills to improve the students' analysis skills. Social studies learning that still uses expository learning models makes students get difficulties to have analysis skills. This study was used the quasi-experimental research that pretest and postest control design. The participants of the study was 132 junior high school students in grade 7 th on junior high school. The data collection tools was used
more » ... ial Skills Rating System (SSRS) adapted from Gresham and Elliot (1990) and tested to the learning outcomes. The research data were analyzed with ANOVA technique. The findings of the research conclude that there are differences in analysis skills of the students who taught guided inquiry learning model and expository learning model. There are differences in analysis skills of the students who have high social skills and low social skills. There is an interaction between guided inquiry learning model and expository learning model when integrated with high social skills and low social skills on analysis skills of the students.
doi:10.17478/jegys.654975 fatcat:tdcyzeev35fobp3pwiaczjqasm